A mining customer engaged Legend on the construction of several new mines in the southwest United States. The customer had already engaged with several utilities for power and gas service connections. Upon getting involved Legend helped the customer understand pitfalls related to construction costs and in-service timelines. Furthermore, Legend highlighted the lack of market flexibility engendered by their initial utility interconnection strategy. Legend created a completely new strategy to bring power and gas utilities to each mine which ultimately reduced their construction costs and timeline.
The project involved the construction of a 138kV transmission interconnection, 14 miles of private 138kV transmission lines, two substations, two interstate pipeline interconnections, and 16 miles of pipeline construction. Legend brought all projects in ahead of both the original and subsequent project timelines, while also being under budget. The project saved the customer over $1M in infrastructure cost and three months in operational in-service time and $850k annually in delivery charges for power and gas.
Upon completion of the infrastructure projects the Legend Markets and Analytics teams began their work. Legend installed the Legend Analytics system at the mines giving real-time visibility to all parts of the operation including energy consumption, environmental impacts, material sales and other metrics in a single platform
In parallel the Legend Markets team designed a custom wholesale power product which allowed the customer to take full advantage of the infrastructure design that accessed transmission level power. This allowed the customer to generate $75k in a single afternoon by actively selling back power in real-time markets, part of Legend’s actively managed strategy.
In addition, the customer was able to reduce transmission costs by actively managing their load in real-time. Legend Markets service also includes daily natural gas nominations and balancing service on interstate pipelines, part of the infrastructure Legend helped the customer put in place. Through active management the Markets team was able to help the customer save over $400k in a single month.
Provided the customer with real-time energy consumption, operational data, resource intensity and energy market pricing.
Through industry leading technology we empower our clients to integrate all interrelated components of their business to create a holistic energy strategy.
2200 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 1000
Houston, TX 77056
United States
+1 713-234-1000